Congratulations to the following children who received a certificate in our celebration assembly.


Class 14 - The whole class for being so fantastic at Robinwood and at school this week.

Class 13 - The whole class for a fabulous attitude at Robinwood.

Class 12 - Tammi, Owais and Ella for reading evry night to an adult at home.

Class 11 - The whole class for a superb half term.

Class 10 - Tim for being a proud and successful learner during science week.

Class 9 - The whole class for a fantastic attiude to learning and being superstars the last few weeks.

Class 8 - Nimrah for trying all week to follow the behaviour for learning rules.

Class 7 - Safa for amazing work in science week.

Class 6 - Ridwan for his fantastic ideas in work this week.

Class 5 - James for an excellent effort this week writing about wolves.

Class 4 - Yassir for settling into class 4 and being a proud and successful learner,

Class 3 - Sumayah for writing her numbers 1-100 at home.

Class 2 - The whole class for having a great first half term in Reception.

Class 1 - The whole class for having a fantastic half term.

Well done to Sarah, Leila, Suhan, Rehan, Ayaan, Rohan and Rayyan, the Key Stage 1 football team who also received certificates for their participation.

Another big well done to the Netball team - Arzoo, Mariya, Priya, Zonha, Umara, Anisah, Ishaq, Hasan and Rehan. Great job we are proud of you.