Breakfast Club at Belfield
Breakfast Club at Belfield runs every school day morning, primarily to accommodate children of parents who need to go to work and therefore require their child/ren to be dropped off earlier than the 8:45 start of school. As we have limited places and the club is regularly over-subscribed, we are asking that only our parents that require childcare because of work apply for places currently. If there are other circumstances that may mean your child requires a space, please speak to one of our DSLs. Belfield Community School Breakfast Club. is open from 8:15am to 8:45am and takes place in the school hall. We offer cereals, toast and bagels.
Price: £1 per day for breakfast and play. - paid online (Mrs. Kemp will help with this once a place has been allocated)
There is also a choice of toys and activities to play with and the staff are happy to help children with their homework.