Absence During Term Time
The Department for Education has recently amended its rules regarding absences during term time.
As you are probably aware, in order to improve school attendance Headteachers are no longer allowed to grant leave of absence during term time.
Penalty Notice for Unauthorised Leave during Term Time
Penalty Notices can now be issued if a pupil is absent for a minimum of 10 sessions (5 school days) for an absence relating to leave during term time. A penalty notice will be issued without the issue of warning if a pupil is absent for a period not agreed or authorised by the Headteacher.
Unauthorised Absences Penalty Notice
These can be issued if a minimum of 20 sessions (10 school days) are lost due to unauthorised absence. This includes persistent late arrival at school (after register has closed).
Payment of a Penalty Notice within 21 days is £60 and a payment after this time but within 28 days is £120. This is per parent, per child.