On Monday 18th May, it was the start of the oral health campaign, National Smile Month. National Smile Month is about raising awareness about the importance of good oral health in a fun way. This year is a very challenging year for everyone, but the Oral Health Team are hoping that we can share some positive cheer as far and as wide as possible. With your help, they would like to collect and share as many pictures of smiles as possible through social media as part of our ‘Miles of Smiles’ campaign. For more information, check out this video.
For the ‘Miles of Smiles’ campaign, what we would like you to do is to draw or paint a ‘smiley’, take a photo/selfie with your smiley, and post it on to social media with the following hashtags:
#milesofsmiles #smilemonth #teeth #fluoride #oralhealth @smilemonth @dentalhealthorg @lwrochdale
You can be as creative as you like with your smileys, there are no rules, however, if you are struggling for inspiration, her is a template and ideas for help.
Smile Month 2020
There is also a creative writing competition that children and their families can take part in, with a chance of winning Amazon vouchers. Please click on the following link for more information:
Entries for the competition can be emailed to livingwellhmr@biglifecentres.com
Good luck everyone, we look forward to seeing those smiles.