Dear parents/carers
With Christmas approaching, we thought we’d inform you of how we are planning on celebrating this year.
Obviously, things will have to be a little different in the circumstances, but we’re sure we can all still enjoy ourselves in a safe way.
Here are the plans for a Belfield Christmas:
- 30th November – Reindeer visit for children in FS/KS1
- 14th December – Virtual Pantomime (children will watch our annual panto via Zoom!)
- 14th December – Parties in the afternoon. Unfortunately, we can’t accept food donations from home this year. We will give each child a small snack and drink, in sealed packets and they will celebrate in their classrooms. They can wear their party clothes on this day if you wish, but please remember to ensure they are warm, with a coat.
15th December - Nursery Party, Unfortunately, we can’t accept food donations from home this year. We will give each child a small snack and drink, in sealed packets and they will celebrate in their classrooms. They can wear their party clothes on this day if you wish, but please remember to ensure they are warm, with a coat. - there will be a gift for each child – we’re hoping that Father Christmas will find a way to deliver them even though he won’t be able to visit classes this year
- 15th December – Reception and KS1 Christmas Dinner
- 16th December – KS2 Christmas Dinner
- On Christmas Dinner Day, children will still be eating with their bubbles and not mixing with other classes. They can wear a Christmas jumper if you wish.
- 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas songs outside. We will bring all the children together (in a socially distanced manner) on the playground to sing Christmas songs. We will video this so we can share it with you. Look out Nursery's Singalong on the Purple Mash Nursery shared blog and the school website. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to perform a Nativity this year, but hope we can bring it back bigger and better in 2021!
- To help us pay for the Reindeer, Pantomime, presents and party food, we would be grateful for a voluntary contribution of £2, if you can. Thankyou!
On Thursday 17th December the school closes for the holidays. You can pick your child up anytime from 1pm.
We re-open on 4th January
Thank-you as always for your continued support
Mrs Farrell