Your child will be bringing home a reading book to share with you at home. They need to practice reading this by segmenting and blending the words using their phonics knowledge. In phonics we have learnt phase 2 sounds.
It is really important that the children say the pure sounds, like in this video.
In our phonics lessons we learn how to segment and blend words with these sounds in. This is what they need to do with their reading book at home.
For example, the word 'cat'. We would read this by saying c-a-t, cat. The video here explains this in more detail.
Here are some more links to help support your child with their phonics at home.
Click on the word and it will take you to the website.
Oxford Owl Website - They have free e-books for children to read that you can access by registering on their website.
There are also lots of apps you can download onto tablets and phones for phonics games. Here are some that we recommend:
Twinkl Phonics
Teach your monster to read
Jolly Phonics
Please come and speak to us in school if you would like any more support with helping your child to read at home, or if you want to discuss our phonics teaching.