Reading in Reception
Your child will be bringing home a reading book to share with you at home. They need to practice reading this by segmenting and blending the words using their phonics knowledge. In phonics we have learnt phase 2 sounds.
It is really important that the children say the pure sounds, like in…
Our Owl Visit
Booboo the owl came to visit us from Smithills Open Farm in Bolton today. We found out that she is 19 years old, and we all gave her soft feathers a stroke.
Story Cafe October 2018
We enjoyed our very first reception Story Cafe on Thursday. Thanks to all the families who came and enjoyed the story and activities, and the biscuits!
We read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen.
We look forward to you coming to our next…
Owl Babies Homework
This weeks homework is to talk about Owl Babies, and try to label the pictures using the first sounds in the word. You can watch the video again in the blog post from last week.
For example, Sarah (the biggest owl) starts with 's', Percy starts with 'p' and so on.
Autumn in Reception
We have started our 'Autumn' topic in reception. This week the homework is to look at the words we have been learning.
Here is a video of the story we are reading this week: 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.